One Loft Race - Top Pigeons / Porumbei de top

Columbodromul Porumbei de Top are o capacitate de 1200 de porumbei, constructia este noua la cele mai inalte standarde, orientata catre rasarit,bine ventilata, dotata cu gratar din lemn pe toata suprafata sa si odihnitori din lemn. Este situat la 2 km de orasul TARGOVISTE la iesirea spre BUCURESTI SI PLOIESTI,mai exact in loc. ULMI, amplasat pe un teren de 2000 mp, cu o deschidere foarte mare (fara obstacole pentru porumbei in zbor).

Ruta de zbor aleasa este spre Ukraina ,cu semifinala la CUZA VODA 380 km si o finala la RADAUTI-PRUT 400 km si un SUPER-DERBY la NIKOLAEV 550 km (ACTIVARE 40 EUR) o ruta pe care s-a zburat si se zboara porumbeii in zona, inregistrandu-se numai zboruri reusite.

Sistemul de cronometrare de ultima generatie ( TOPIGEON V8 ), permite afisarea rezultatelor on-line. Sosirile la etape se vor afisa in timp real.
Toate etapele vor fi filmate si postate pe site pentru o TRANSPARENTA TOTALA.

Echipa Columbodromului Porumbei de Top va da dovada de PROFESIONALISM, IMPLICARE si SERIOZITATE MAXIMA .

Contact :
(+40) 722 292 081

English version:

One Loft Race -Top Pigeons from Romania  has a capacity of 1,200 birds, the construction is new to the highest standards, oriented east, well ventilated, equipped with barbecue wood throughout and restful wooden surface. It is located 2 km from the town of Targoviste exit towards Bucharest and Ploiesti, specifically in place. ULMI, located on a plot of 2000 sqm with a large opening (no obstacles for birds in flight).

Flight route chosen is for Ukraine, with semifinals CUZA VODA 380 km and a final Radauti-Prut 400 km and a super-DERBY in Nikolaev 550 km (ENABLE 40 EUR) a route to fly and flying pigeons in the , registering only successful flights.

The timing of generation (TOPIGEON V8) allows displaying the results online. Arrivals on stage will be displayed in real time.

All stages will be filmed and posted on the site for full transparency.

Team Columbodromului top birds will demonstrate professionalism, involvement and maximum reliability.

Contact :
(+40) 722 292 081